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American Israel
medi-plan. inc

A trusted name
in Israeli healthcare.

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Dear Parent,

As a parent, I understand the concerns common to parents sending their children abroad. As a physician, I know how important personalized private medical attention is to a student who is thousands of miles away from home.

For the past 35 years, we at AIM have been providing the type of quality medical care that puts the minds of both parents and students at ease. Thousands of students learning in Yeshivas, Seminaries and educational institutions throughout Israel have benefited from our private care and when needed — the personal attention of the best specialists in Israel.

The AIM Gold and Platinum Plans are designed to provide complete medical coverage for students studying in Israel at a lower cost than the deductions on most U.S. Health Plans and HMO’s.

Most important, is the students’ feeling that an AIM physician is their family physician away from home and the concerns of parents are being eased.

We hope the student accomplishes his/her objectives in their study program. We will be available if they need us.

Dr. Steven Eagle M.D.

Ask the Doctor

When I made Aliyah with my family 40 years ago, I, like many Olim, would seek English speaking doctors that we could relate to. We would rely on friends and my Blue Cross insurance to get private appointments with good doctors.

I had a vision, to show tourists and students visiting Israel, that private American style medical care was available in Israel. 

My vision was to create a medical program to provide private medical services with readily available English speaking doctors and specialists. Doctors that you could speak with and a staff to help make appointments to fit your schedule. An AIM physician that you could speak with 24/7.  No wasting time searching for the right specialists or scanning lists of doctors.  Whether Cat scans, MRI’s or other specialty requirements, we were to cut through the red-tape

My vision was to create a medical group that would be a trusted name in medical care in Israel. Today, 33 years later, AMERICAN ISRAEL MEDI-PLAN, or AIM, is a well respected name and I am proud to say that we enjoy an enviable reputation for care and concern for our member patients.

Wishing you a pleasant stay in Israel.

Gershon S Loecher

Executive Director

Our Medical Services

The AIM plan includes the most comprehensive series of benefits available in today’s travel medical services market at an affordable price.

However, the real value of a medical plan exists in the company behind the plan and its proven ability to respond in a time of need, day or night.

It is important to have personalized private medical attention when you are thousands of miles away from home. It is also important to have
coverage by the preeminent name in medical services and respected name in Israel.

For the past 35 years the AIM Medical Center and its staff of physicians and personnel have been providing private personalized medical care for persons visiting Israel.

Where most medical plans in Israel restrict the patient to specific doctors and facilities, AIM offers private medical care without these limitations.

AIM Is able to obtain same day- next day appointments with top specialists.

AIM stays in close contact with the parents and when needed a trusted doctor will call the patient and/or parent to update them of issues or medical concerns.



/a year, before Aug 2021
  • complete coverage – up to $100,000
  • 24 hour doctor availability
  • Emergency room and hospitalization coverage
  • Full range of specialist care and more..
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Platinum Plan

/a year, before Aug 2021
  • complete coverage – up to $200,000
  • 24 hour doctor availability
  • Emergency room and hospitalization coverage
  • Full range of specialist care and more..
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Diamond Plan

/a year, before Aug 2021
  • complete coverage – up to $200,000
  • 24 hour doctor availability
  • Emergency room and hospitalization coverage
  • Full range of specialist care and more..
  • Full range of Dential care and more..
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Travelers Plan

/a day
  • complete coverage – up to $50,000
  • 24 hour doctor availability
  • Emergency room and hospitalization coverage
  • Full range of specialist care and more..
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1. Online

This is the easiest way to apply,
just complete the AIM application online.

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2. By Email

Send an email to with the following:

About Us:

AIM was created 35 years ago with a vision to provide quality medical care in Israel. Many parents were at a loss when dealing with medical bureaucracy in Israel. Getting appointments for good medical care was difficult at best and impossible at the least. AIM offers hand holding care to ensure you are not alone. AIM is an American corporation retaining a group of more than 200 participating senior physicians that provide a full range of comprehensive private medical services in Israel. More important than the coverage is the AIM's availability and ability to be readily available for patients when needed. There is always someone to talk to and assist you.

AIM works together with GAP year/ Shana Baaretz and any programs coming to Israel.

AIM hand tailors the plan to meet schools and students needs. Making sure that the medical care is dealt with by medical professionals so schools can focus on the educational aspect. This saves the staff from countless hours scheduling and orchestrating care. As we know good care in Israel is difficult to receive at best and more often impossible to obtain without AIM. AIM offers that hand holding care for the student, school, parent as needed. If you are a program looking for more information, please contact one of our representatives at and we will be happy to work together.  

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Our Clients say:

"Thank you for the excellent medical care afforded my daughter this past year as well as the ease of communication with the doctors."
Mia, CA
Thank you for all the assistance you gave my son when he wasn’t feeling well this past year. The doctors and other medical experts took detailed care of him and your correspondence about these appointments were immediate. Much hatzlacha to you!

Mrs. D. , New York
Both my daughter and I were very satisfied with American Israel Medi-Plan, the level of service and the quality of medical care received. She will be returning to MeOhr this year and will purchase coverage for her again. I am interested in the AIM Platinum Plan and will purchase this coverage immediately.

Ruchie, Monsey.
My son A. was on your AIM Gold Plan this year. At the same time I would like to say that I appreciate the good care A. has gotten on his frequent visits to your AIM Medical Center in Jerusalem last year and this. Thank you,

Tzvi, Michigan.
I was told over Shabbos about your terrific reputation from parents in our shul that had insurance with you.

Miriam, New Jersey
Dear AIM, Thank you for all your help. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am that I took out this AIM plan, My son told me that his chest hurt him every time he took a breath, he had an ingrown toenail and athlete’s foot, If besides all the normal fears and adjustments of having a son going to Yeshiva in another country for the year. If I had to worry about where he was going to find a doctor. I would never get a good night’s sleep. Will you be sending me an ID card for the year.
Mrs. Z., Brooklyn
Since I already have experience with AIM, in that both my daughters T. and D. over the past two years have used AIM and we have been very satisfied. I would like you to send me an application.
Mr. R., MD
I would just like to tell you that we were very satisfied with your AIM program last year. My daughter was sick on several occasions and the drs were all very good. She even had to have some blood work done and things went smoothly. I wanted to thank you for your services.

Mrs. C. , NY
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Dear AIM, I would just like to say a belated thank you for all you did for me throughout my last year in Seminary. I found you and your staff very obliging and I would often hear my mother say how we could do with AIM in Manchester. I really appreciated how you were always able to see me immediately which is almost unheard of here and that in an emergency you were always contactable. Wishing you and your family כתיבה וחתימה
Mrs. S. (Manchester England)
Thank you very much. This is our second child who has gone to Israel with the AIM plan. It has been fine and we are very grateful for your increasingly improved care. Wishing you another year of hatzlacha.

Aaron, CA
I just wanted to thank you for a great year. My daughter really availed herself of your services and felt taken care of. Thanks so much.In fact, I used you when I went to sem in 1990!
Mrs. F., Far Rockaway, NY

Contact Us:

call us: 1-305-433-2974, email us: or, just leave us a message:

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USA Office

American Israel Medi - Plan, Inc.
1400 Village Square Blvd #3-88294
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Tel: 1-305-433-2974
U.S. Fax: 305-359-5710

Israel Office

AIM Healthnet Center,
15 Kanfei Nesharim, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem
Tel: 972-2-653-7111
Fax: 972-2-653-7099
Whatsapp: +972-542020967

AIM Emergency Contact: 972-53-753-7111