Who can I call if I have questions?

To speak with an AIM representative, call 1-800-424-6752


Registration questions:

What are my methods of registering?

Either apply online or download the application and medical form, and email all the information to info@aim.co.il

How soon can I register?

You can register as early as you like, just note the starting date of your child's arrival in Israel. It is recommended to register at least 10 days prior to your childs arrival in Israel in order to allow for proper processing. There is no worry about registering too soon, for if your child does not end up arriving in Israel, you will receive a full refund.


How long before I come to Israel must I register on the AIM Plan?

You need to register prior to coming to Israel, typically takes 24-48 hours to process the application; you should register at least a week prior to arrival in Israel. We cannot retroactively register applicants.


1 am 1 day past the registration early bird discount deadline; can I still get the discount?

No. The early registration is only good before August 1. If you are applying after August 1, the regular rates will apply.


Can I register now and send in the medical form at a later date?

Yes, you can register now and then email the medical form when you have it.


What do I do if I have to update the medical history form at a later date?

Contact the AIM medical center to submit any changes or updates to your medical history - office@aim.co.il


Does the photo for the ID card need to be a passport size?

The photo does not need to be passport size. It should be a clear color JPEG photo of the applicant’s face.

How do I send my application in if I don’t want to put my credit card online?

The application can be sent in by email or fax and will be processed accordingly. Alternatively, you can call the AIM office to submit your payment details over the phone.


DoI need to fill out medical form again if my doctor already gave me a form?

AIM requires the AIM medical history form be filled out and signed by the doctor and parent. If you have your doctor’s medical form, it can be submitted along with the AIM medical history form.


Do I have to be part of a seminary or yeshiva to be on the AIM plan?

No, providing you are within the ages of 16-29 you can apply for the student plan. Otherwise the traveler’s medical plan is available for people of all ages.


What happens if I register for the plan and then my child doesn’t end up going to Israel?

If your child doesn’t end up arriving in Israel, you get a full refund for the registration.


What happens if I change schools during the year?

Not a problem, just contact the AIM office or notify us by email: info@aim.co.il


What happens if my child passport number changes?

Contact the AIM office to update the new passport number in your childs file.


What happens if my child leaves Israel early?

In the event that your child leaves Israel before their school year is up, you need to contact the AIM administrative office to submit a cancellation form.



What does the U.S. office do?

The U.S. office is your contact with Israel regarding medical services. If you need copies of X-rays, if you want the physician attending to your son or daughter to contact the family physician, if you need assistance with insurance reimbursement, or merely to clarify or pay a bill, the office is at your service.


Pre-existing conditions:

What if my child has a Pre-existing condition?

The AIM Platinum plan will provide for the sudden onset of Pre-existing conditions for conditions which have not required ongoing or intermittent treatment over the past 18 months. If you have a prior health condition which suddenly and unexpectedly asserts itself, the AIM Platinum plan can cover you.


What if my child has a Pre-existing condition that needs ongoing care or treatment?

In such cases it is hugely beneficial to be part of the AIM plans. The staff will over see care and assist with orchestrating and scheduling appointments. The AIM office will also send results to your doctor back at home as requested. All the invoices are provided with diagnostic codes and procedure codes in english so you can submit them to your primary insurance carrier.


Whatif I have a prescription from my doctor back home that my child needs to fill during the year?

If your child has a prescription that needs filling, please submit along with a letter from your doctor requesting that we renew the prescription throughout the year. The doctor will rewrite the prescription free of charge.


What happens if my child has allergies?

With both plans your child will receive care for any situations that would arise while in Israel. To qualify for the sudden onset clause on the AIM platinum plan, you need to submit a letter from your doctor stating your child is stable and has not required treatment or medication over the last 18 months.


My child needs ongoing care; do I have to go through AIM?

The benefit of AIM is to ensure the quality of care the patient is receiving. You can consult with the AIM medical director about using a different doctor or specialist who will orchestrate the care.


What happens if I don’t want the school to know about my Childs condition?

AIM takes great pride in preserving the privacy of each AIM client. If you wish to keep your childs condition private from the school they attend, best to speak with the Medical Director to ensure your child medical needs will be met.


Appointments, Doctors and Prescriptions:

Do I have to only use AIM doctors?

No, the benefit of AIM is that we help orchestrate and ensure the quality of the doctors and the care that you are receiving.


Can/how I consult with a doctor?

If you wish to consult the doctor, you can contact the AIM Medical and they will have the doctor reach out to you.


DoI need to have my AIM card with me to get medical care?

Yes, you are required to show your AIM card when receiving medical care and purchasing medications in pharmacies.


What happens if my child loses his AIM ID card?

Inthe event that your child loses their AIM ID card, contact the AIM office and anew one will be issued.


What happens if my child can’t find the appointment location?

Once the appointment is scheduled, your child is notified of the date, time and location. If your child cannot find the location of their appointment, they should call the AIM Medical Center and they will give them exact directions.


How do I fill my prescriptions?

After receiving your prescription from the AIM doctor, you can go to any of the pharmacies that work together with AIM. The AIM office has a list of pharmacies throughout Israel. office@aim.co.il



What if my child needs refill on current medications?

If your child is currently taking medications and will need to receive refills while in Israel, you will need to submit a letter from the prescribing doctor that oversees their care stating they give approval to the AIM doctor to write a refill prescription. The letter needs to include the medication, diagnosis, and dosage, along with a prescription. Your child can take the prescription to any pharmacy to purchase.


Do I have to come into the AIM medical center for services?

No, you can call the AIM medical center and have them arrange for medical care in a different place where you are located.


What happens if I need to cancel appointment?

If you need to cancel a visit with a doctor or specialist, the cancellation must be made 24 hours prior to the appointment. Call the Medical Center to cancel 02-653-7111.


What happens if my child needs dental treatment while in Israel?

Emergency dental care consists of initial evaluation and palliative treatment for immediate relief of pain up to $400 for the year.

Dental care other than First Aid is only available upon receipt of written consent and payment.

We provide a free evaluation with a dentist to determine if any treatment is needed.


WhatIf I have an outside referral from my doctor back home for testing?

If your child has an outside referral for testing from their doctor back home, please submit to office@aim.co.il and they will advise what further steps are needed.


What happens if I want a second opinion?

In the event that a second opinion is requested by the medical director, arrangements will be made by the AIM office for such.


What does the visiting nurse do?

AIM provides a paramedic or nurse to visit selected schools at regular intervals.The nurse is available at the school for AIM members only, in order to provide routine nursing care including throat cultures and to screen potential problems. This insures that neglected ailments will be attended to, minimizing the possibility of complications both for the student and others at school.


How do you reach a doctor at night or on Shabbos?

Outside of office hours, physicians are available by calling the 24 hour emergency hotline phone number 053-753-7111, where a licensed physician is always in attendance, 7 days a week.


What do I do when the AIM Medical Center is closed?

The AIM Medical Center hours are Sun- Thurs 9am-6pm and Friday 9-12.  Afterhours, if you need urgent medical care, you can call the emergency hot line and you will be given a referral to the nearest urgent care facility, hospital, etc. If it is not a medical emergency, please call the Medical Center the next morning.  


What happens if my child needs to store medicine in Israel?

Medication can be stored at the AIM office on Kanfei Nesharim or arrangements can be made if necessary, such as Remicade, can be stored at the hospital where you are being treated.


What happens if my son/daughter becomes ill? What happens if it is a serious illness?

The AIM Medical Center and the physicians there, are available during office hours. All other times for emergencies, the emergency phone number should be used to speak with the physician-on-duty. In the case of a serious problem, the family is contacted by either the Medical Director or the caring physician and a written medical report with pertinent laboratory results will follow thereafter. The family is kept abreast of all developments and if deemed necessary, the family physician is also contacted. This close communication serves to relieve fears and anxieties of parents.

AIM Medical Center 02-653-7111. Emergency Hotline 053-753-7111.


What does the Emergency line do?

In case of an emergency after office hours, call the emergency hotline, you can consult with a doctor and if needed you will be given a referral and guided to the nearest urgent care or hospital.

Coverage and Reimbursement

Is dental care included?  

Yes, first aid dental evaluations are provided up to a sum of $400. Arrangements for all types of dental services, including general endodontic, periodontic and surgery can be made by calling the AIM Medical Center.*


Visioncare- how do I get reimbursed?

After 12 months of continuous coverage on the Platinum Plan, you are entitled to$100/Maximum/year for vision exams and glasses. Please contact the administration for more details info@aim.co.il


My child gets Botox injections for headaches, can you help orchestrate that?

AIM can help orchestrate any care that is necessary whether it’s covered or not. AIM helps with scheduling and obtaining appointments. All invoices are supplied with procedure and diagnostic codes to assist you in seeking reimbursement to the extent of your coverage from your primary insurance carrier.


Are medications included?

Yes! For registrants on the AIM PLATINUM Plan and AIM GOLD Plan, participating pharmacies will fill covered prescriptions at no cost.
Prescriptions for chronic or non-covered conditions: Arrangements can be made to have the cost of medications billed home.


How do I pay for services that are not covered?

For services required that are not covered under the AIM Plan, you will be sent a consent form of services with prices quotes, which would need to be filled out with your payment details.  


Is there coverage if my child goes on the Poland trip with their school?

The AIM Platinum Plan provides for 14 days full coverage to Poland.


I am joining the flag football league. Would this plan cover me for this?

Hazardous Sports activities are not included, however, the Supplemental AIM Sports Rider is offered as a voluntary coverage that students registered on the AIM Platinum Plan, can purchase. Contact the AIM administrator for more details.


Does the AIM member in Israel pay for doctor’s services?

NO! When the member students are referred to a specialist, X-ray facility, pharmacy or laboratory, they present their AIM photo identification card and NO payment is required for covered services. AIM PLATINUM Plan and AIM GOLD Plan members are contacted for authorization of non-covered services.*


What happens if I see a doctor on my own and need to get reimbursed?

Submit all paperwork and documentation to the AIM administrative office by email:info@aim.co.il


What happens if I get to a hospital and they tell me I have to pay?

During the office hours you can contact the office at 02-653-7111, and after hours you can contact the emergency line at 053-753-7111.


AIM membership includes the cost of emergency room and hospitalization coverage.  Why is this necessary? Especially if I am already covered.

Each insurance carrier has different conditions and limitations on their coverage.Some have deductibles and some carriers have maximums for claims. The filling of claims is time consuming and not always reimbursed in full if at all. The AIM enrollment fee includes the cost for emergency room and associated hospitalization (catastrophic coverage) for patients, with no deductibles.

A hospital stay is covered up to $100,000 in expenses for the AIM Gold Plan and$200,000 For the AIM Platinum Plan.


How do I get reimbursed for prescriptions that I paid for?

In the event that you receive a prescription for medication, and you are told to pay in the pharmacy, simply submit the receipts by email to the AIM office: info@aim.co.il


What happens if I change US insurances?

Contact the AIM administration to update your insurance details. info@aim.co.il


What happens if I have an HMO?

Many HMO’s demand that you visit their own medical facility in the U.S. where you signed up. Families enrolled in an HMO are required to notify their provider of each medical occurrence and obtain prior approval for medical care. It is important to know what your coverage abroad does include. Many have high deductibles and co-payment or do not pay out-of-network.


Our family has Blue Cross and major medical insurance. How can we use these in Israel? How can AIM help?

In Israel, patients visiting a doctor, laboratory or hospital, must pay for all services, regardless of their coverage. Tourists visiting a hospital must by law, pay a rate that can be twice the Israel rate. If the patients receive a paid receipt, it will be in Hebrew, in a foreign currency, signed by doctors unknown to your insurance carrier and in a form unrecognizable to them. Reimbursement is questionable, or at best difficult and time consuming. An AIMbill is an approved U.S. invoice recognized by all insurance carriers and sent out by the U.S. office. Reimbursement is routine. It is important to note that the AIM PLATINUM Plan and AIM GOLD Plans provide complete coverage at a lower cost than the deductible on most U.S. health plans and HMO’s.

Does AIM cover the COVID19?

Yes, COVID19 is fully covered by the AIM plans.


For any other questions contact: info@aim.co.il we will be happy to assist you


USA Office

American Israel Medi - Plan, Inc.
1400 Village Square Blvd #3-88294
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Tel: 1-305-433-2974

Email: info@aim.co.il

Israel Office

AIM Healthnet Center,
15 Kanfei Nesharim, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem
Tel: 972-2-653-7111
Fax: 972-2-653-7099
Email: office@aim.co.il
Whatsapp: +972-542020967

AIM Emergency Contact: 972-53-753-7111