AIM Diamond Plan
for students studying in Israel


For the past 36 years, AIM has been the forerunner and go to for concierge medical care in Israel. AIM’s reputation and care for its students has preceded it throughout the years, growing and building throughout epidemics and wars. AIM continues to be at the front for overall care and concern for students and for orchestrating medical care as needed.

AIM is proud to introduce its new AIM Diamond Plan, which will also include dental treatments for those who need, thus expanding their comprehensive services. This will offer more services to cater to the students' needs during their stay in Israel. The benefit of AIM is not only the coverage with the peace of mind that it offers, but also that the students and parents have a contact to address all their medical and dental needs, and concerns that they have.

There is no additional charge for assisting in orchestrating care for those with chronic or pre-existing conditions. There is no limitation of only being able to use one dentist or one doctor. The services are wide, and the variety is large and can be used for your benefit.

AIM can also be used as your primary care physician for recommendations, treatments, and to discuss student care with parents, or even with their primary care physician from back home. Many students who come to Israel with existing conditions are happy to have AIM orchestrate the care and be the liaison between their doctor at home and the doctor in Israel, which can make the transition smooth which helps their stay in Israel be as medical and pain-free as possible.

AIM is happy to introduce the NEW Diamond plan. We hope to cater to our members' needs even more. We are seeing a rise in the need for dental care for students in Israel. With more and more students staying in Israel for more than one year, staying for Shana Bet or even 2-3 years, this plan is needed now more than ever. Israel has become an important part of a young person’s life.
The year they spend in Israel has become more important than ever before and therefore offering a more comprehensive plan to keep them well, safe, and healthy during their stay in Israel is our main priority.

We look forward to servicing students and tending to all their medical and dental needs and providing the parents the peace of mind of knowing that there is someone to look after their child in Israel. We urge parents on the AIM plan to not feel lost, to reach out to us to advise on medical care, to consult with a doctor at any time on any concern that they have for their child, such as their home visitations, and coverage throughout Israel over the past few years.  Seeing as the medical needs arise, AIM has proven to be the #1 provider in caring for students in Yeshiva, seminaries and schools in Israel during their gap year, as well as for tourists on their visit to Israel.

*All benefits are in accordance with the Terms & Conditions published on the AIM Website at and the Master Agreement which is available upon request by contacting the AIM Administrator at

The medical coverage includes:
Platinum Plan
Diamond Plan
Emergency room and hospitalization coverage throughout Israel
A highly competent and experienced staff of Anglo Physicians and health professionals
Visiting Nurse services in selected Yeshivas and Seminaries
24 hour emergency hotline with a Physician on duty seven days a week.
Prescribed medications included
Free medical and dental checkups
Full range of specialist care available for acute and urgent care*.
Full range of diagnostic testing available for acute and urgent care**
Blood tests, basic medical testing, ultrasounds, x-rays
More expansive testing, MRI (50%) CT, Bone scans
Physiotherapy (limited to 4 visits)
Trip to Poland. 14 day coverage for the Poland trip
Alternative medicine coverage: Acupuncture, Chiropractor etc.
Vision care * $100 max/year for exams and glasses after 12 mo coverage
Allergy shots administered free of charge
Trip delay/ missed connection: maximum $100/day after as hr min delay period
Lost checked luggage: $250 per year
Unlimited exams to diagnose dental issues and address questions
Complimentary dental cleaning once per year
Two complimentary dental fillings
up to $100,000
up to $200,000
up to $200,000
*For example: Dermatology, Allergy, Orthopedics, Gastro, ENT, Physiotherapy.*
**For example: X-rays, Ultrasound, Allergy skin testing
*** In accordance with the terms and conditions- see below

Good to know..

The AIM Diamond Plan is the only plan to include dental coverage. By such expanding the comprehensive AIM Platinum plan and offer more to students studying in Israel.

Where most medical plans in Israel restrict the patient to specific doctors and facilities, AIM offers private medical care without these limitations.

AIM offers private medical care and therefore is able to obtain same day- next day appointments with top specialists.

AIM stays in close contact with the parents and when needed a trusted doctor will call the parent to update them of issues or medical concerns.

Apply NowMore about Gold PlanMore about Platinum Plan

USA Office

American Israel Medi - Plan, Inc.
1400 Village Square Blvd #3-88294
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Tel: 1-305-433-2974


Israel Office

AIM Healthnet Center,
15 Kanfei Nesharim, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem
Tel: 972-2-653-7111
Fax: 972-2-653-7099
Whatsapp: +972-542020967

AIM Emergency Contact: 972-53-753-7111