The AIM PLATINUM PLAN offers all the benefits of the AIM GOLD PLAN and includes the most comprehensive series of benefits available in today’s travel medical services market at an affordable price.
However, the real value of a medical plan exists in the company behind the plan and its proven ability to respond in a time of need, day or night.
It is important to have personalized private medical attention when you are thousands of miles away from home. It is also important to have coverage by the preeminent name in medical services and respected name in Israel.
For the past 36 years the AIM Medical Center and its staff of Physicians and personnel have been providing private personalized medical care for persons visiting Israel.
The AIM Platinum Plan will provide for the sudden onset of pre-existing conditions and a maximum limit of $200,000. and many other benefits listed below.
Medical Maximum $200,000. No deductibles* No co-payments*
* Pre-existing conditions* If you have a prior health condition which suddenly and unexpectedly asserts itself, the AIM PLATINUM Plan provides a limited amount of coverage to help for conditions which have not required ongoing or intermittent treatment over the past 18 months.
*March of The Living Trip to Poland* Provides for 14 days Full Coverage to Poland.
Alternative Medicine* : Complimentary or Alternative medicine is used together with mainstream medical care. An example is using Acupuncture to help with back pain, neck pain, and migraine headache.
Traditional Chinese Medicine* A 3500 year old practice of natural effective methods to provide medically proven treatments for a wide range of illnesses encompassing many different practices including acupuncture and herbal therapy.
Computerized Tomography* MRI’s-%50, CAT scans and bone scans are included coverage
Physical Therapy* Chiropractic Care*
Podiatric treatment covered
Vision Care*$100. Maximum / year for exams and glasses materials After 12 mo. of continuous coverage
*Lost Checked Luggage*$250. Per year*Trip Delay/Missed Connection*Maximum Limit of $100/day after a minimum of 12 hr. delay period
Hazardous sports activities are not included, however, the supplemental AIM Sports Rider is offered as a voluntary coverage that students registered on the AIM Platinum Plan, can purchase. Contact the AIM administrator. *
*All benefits are in accordance with the Terms & Conditions published on the AIM Website at and the Master Agreement which is available upon request by contacting the AIM Administrator at
The AIM Platinum Plan Is the most comprehensive plan available for students studying in Israel.
Where most medical plans in Israel restrict the patient to specific doctors and facilities, AIM offers private medical care without these limitations.
AIM Is able to obtain same day- next day appointments with top specialists.
AIM stays in close contact with the parents and when needed a trusted doctor will call the parent to update them of issues or medical concerns.
American Israel Medi - Plan, Inc.
1400 Village Square Blvd #3-88294
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Tel: 1-305-433-2974